Wednesday, May 23, 2007

pollo pibil

Ok, don´t try this at home. I´m just writing it down to remember. Rosi just taught me how to make what we´re having for dinner tonight- pollo pibil. I guess if you have a Mexican grocery nearby and you´re adventurous you can try to make it:) But I won´t promise anything.

- Line a big pot with hojas de platano (banana leaves)
- cut up a whole chicken, normal size?, I don´t know...
- In a small bowl mix juice of one naranja agrea (sour orange- I don´t think we have these in the US but Rosi says they sell it in bottles) with 2 of these little blocks of seasoning called achiote (they´re like bullion cubes only bigger and they´re red), and salt and pepper and 3 cloves of garlic.
- pour this over the chicken and let it sit while you cut the veggies
- cut up 3 small tomatoes, half a big onion, half a green pepper
- in the pot, layer chicken, veggies, chicken, veggies and on top place an uncut chile ixcatic (it´s a hot yellow-ish pepper)
- pour a little oil on top and cover with more banana leaves
- simmer? on the stove for an hour or so (I guess until the chicken is done)

I´m sure that if I knew how to cook in the US this would make more sense, right mom? :)

More recipes to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE going to the Mexican grocery store. It is pretty interesting although I have to bring someone along who speaks Spanish. They also have these HUGE fresh made pork rind things which are really good!!! yummy

OH and hey, if you see the Bimbo factory or headquaters snap a picture for me!