Wednesday, October 31, 2007

we're all going to die

So my virology professor is crazy. She is a yellow journalist if even I have met one. Since someone asked me for a definition the other when I was talking about this, I will provide one here. Yellow journalism is sensational journalism, exaggeration for the sake of selling papers. Well my prof is convinced that we're all going to die of the Bird Flu once the virus mutates so that it can be transmitted by human to human contact.

The concept of viruses is interesting. I read a book for that class by Richard Preston, The Hot Zone. Good but scary book. It's about Ebola, but at the end, Preston makes an interesting comparison. Preston says that viruses may be the earth's immune system. Just as our immune systems have mechanisms for fighting off "invaders," Preston says that viruses might be nature's way of fighting off its invaders- us.

My professor might be right. We might all die.

But what I really wanted to say is this: I don't really care. Before you think I'm being morbid, let me explain. The other day in class, I turned to my friend (who is also a Christian), and I asked her if she thought that we didn't care about this is much since we're Christians. We agreed that that was true. Our professor is talking about stockpiling! That's a little extreme for my tastes. But when I turned to my other friend and said, "So I might die tomorrow, so what?" She looked at me like I was a crazy person.

My friend Chase is living in a dangerous neighborhood in Chicago where there was just a gang related shooting. Yeah, this world is dangerous. Yup, sometimes we have to go to dangerous places to do the things we feel called to do. I guess I'm just saying that my faith in God and my assurance in heaven give me the confidence to do what I need to do and go where I need to go despite the dangers always around the corner.


Brian D said...

I feel quite similarly. Granted, I'm not a fatalist, but still, I hear ya.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning me your blog! Haha, yeah its true, you never know when you're going to see me in a body bag on the 10 o'clock news. I'm ready to go whenever, but I am doing my best to survive down here.