Saturday, June 2, 2007

please pray

There was a change of plans. We didn´t leave for Cancun today because Ted needed to get something fixed on his car. But it turned out to be a blessing because Ted´s mom called from Xochempich and said that Diego´s mom is very sick and he needs to go home tonight. If we had gone to Cancun he would have been here all alone without a reliable way to get to Xochempich. So gracias a Dios (thanks be to God), they are on their way right now (in a car that was just fixed today!). Diego´s mom has uterine cancer and will have an operation tomorrow in Xochempich. Please pray for her (her name is Margot) and the doctor (Dr Federico) and obviously for Diego and his siblings. His father died when he was a baby and he is the youngest of 6 so he is very close to his mom. Diego and I met last year and he is so close to my heart- it hurts me to see him in so much pain.
Diego and I last year

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww I hope she is okay. btw, that is a cute picture of you!