My Mexican Parents: Jose Louis and Rosi
Look how tall I am in Mexico!
Trent, Diego, Cait, Me, Nelson, Ted and Pau
After being so faithful to my blog for all this time I've been feeling guilty for just leaving things hanging. So here's how my trip ended. My last day in Merida, Diego and I were supposed to go to the zoo so I met him at his school at 10:15 like he told me to. He thought he didn't have classes but he did so during his 20 minute break we just went to the zoo and sat on the bench in front of the giraffes.
Friday was a day of "it's a small world after all." After saying goodbye to Diego at his school I looked across the street and saw Juan, I guy I had just met a couple days before. And before that too. Juan grew up in Xochempich and was at the clinic talking with Dr. Federico the first day that I got there. Then the night we went dancing in Merida, Diego and I went to this restaurant because he wanted to talk to this guy that he knew would be there. It was Juan and we realized that we had seen each other before. And then the day on the street. Is this guy supposed to teach me something? He is an incredible guy. He's an anthopologist with a doctorate who speaks perfect English and recently taught at Indiana University. In January, he'll be teaching at UC Berkley. And before that he has an interview with Mel Gibson to talk about his recent movie, Apocalypto. The movie is about the Mayans and Juan is Mayan. I'm interested to hear about it (we traded emails) and to read his masters thesis about Xochempich. After Juan and I parted ways, I decided I was going to walk home from the zoo (about an hour or so) because I had the time and I wanted to talk a few last pictures. I was about half way there when a van pulled up beside me and someone shouted my name. It was Alicia, a girl I had met when I went to Diego's church with him. She asked me if I wanted a ride but I told her I was enjoying walking and promised that I could ride the bus if I changed my mind. That night when we went for a later dinner at Chilis, she was there! How weird! On that last night Paulina and I went out for iced coffee and then met up with Diego and Nelson for dinner. We drove around in circles for almost an hour before deciding where to go (this is normal for them but it drives me crazy!!!). Ted was in Cancun for work so I had said goodbye to him the night before.
Pau and Diego at Chilis
At 4am on Thursday we woke up and called the boys to make sure they were awake and coming to take us to the airport. When they showed up, Ted got out! He had come back from Cancun. It was sooo nice to have all of my friends at the airport to send me off. I miss them all soooo much already!
Here are the pictures of Pau and I at the airport on the day that I arrived and the day that I left.
above: when I arrived, below: when I left. Yes, I wore the same outfit:)
It's so nice to be back home and spend time with my family and friends. And to eat American food again! And to sleep in my bed! I will be leaving again soon though. I have to be in Chicago by 5pm on Tuesday to start my internship at the clinic there. It's a crazy summer but I'm having a great time and learning sooo much. It's great because many of the clients at the clinic speak Spanish so I'll get to keep practicing! When I get home I'm going to have to find a way to keep speaking- maybe a Spanish-speaking church?
I'll be back soon with stories of Chicago: in the US, but in a world that many people have never experienced. I know it will be a journey.
Sooooooo good to read your wrap-up tales and see the photos of the gang.
Blessings on your work in Chicago!
No mention of my camera :(
hey kid,
it's been fun following your adventures. we should talk about it in person some time. buena suerte en chicago.
Hey Jenna! I just wanted you to know that I've been reading your blog. I didn't start until about 2 weeks ago but I'm now all caught up. I was sucked into it. I couldn't wait to see what you wrote next. I'm so glad you had so much fun and are now back home safe. You have such a busy summer, but it would be great to see you sometime. My church has a Sunday evening Hispanic service that I started going to last night. They have it every other Sunday. Since I'm going back to Puerto Rico in December, 2008 I want to be able to speak Spanish fluently. Plus you'd think as a Puerto Rican I would know it anyways (shame on me!). I'd love for you to come with me if you'd like. Let me know. Have a safe trip to Chicago and make sure you keep writing in your blog!!
Welcome back to the US Jenna! We missed you, but not as much as we'll miss you if you stop blogging! You put up great pictures and stories. Keep it up! ESPECIALLY while you're in Chicago. I totally love seeing pictures of that city.
I'm glad you arrived back safely, but not you're off in Chicago. Busy summer for you!!!
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