Wednesday, December 12, 2007

dirty rotten scoundrels

Just in case you were wondering what had happened to me, I haven't died. I have 5 final exams between tomorrow evening and Monday afternoon so I've been trying to be a good student. I have lots of things to blog about over my Christmas break. But I thought I'd share- if you're looking for something to do this weekend in Indy you should go see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at Clowes. It was the second in the Broadway Across America Series that Josh and I have season tickets to. A bit of a slow start, but a funny musical with great voices and a very clever plot. I guess it's based on a 1980's movie by the same title starring Steve Martin. Definitely worth your time. Enjoy your holidays- I'll be doing the same come Monday night!


MH said...

good luck with those finals!

Brian D said...

JP - glad you are alive. I just finished the semester so I've had some time to write. I'm trying to do like some character sketches of people I've briefly encountered. Just something to keep me writing, its been a while. Hope all is well. we need to chat soon.

Lori and Kyle said...

I see that you still have some movies off that list I gave you in middle school to see...haha. I bet you did great on your finals, see ya soon!